
I have entered the world of blogging! My purpose? To stay connected to friends and family and invite you into my world. A world filled with fun, tears, laughter, excitement, elation, disappointment and all the blessings of being a mother and wife.

Monday, January 11, 2010

A New Year Prayer

It has been go-go since the New Year and school started again! I've been trying to get on top of things and have been working on a new project (will share soon!) so there hasn't been time for blogging. BUT this morning the MOPS group attend was this morning. Our Hospitality Coordinator gave each mom this prayer, I wanted to share it with you. Personally I need to remember this one!

A New Year Prayer

Holy Father,

God of our yesterdays, our today and our tomorrows.

We praise You for Your unequaled greatness.

Thank you for the year behind us and for the year ahead.

Help us in Your new year, Father, to fret less and laugh more.

To teach our children to laugh by laughing with them.

To teach others to love by loving them.

Knowing, when Love came to the stable in Bethlehem, He came for us.

So that Love could be with us and we could know You.

That we could share Love with others.

Help us, Father, to hear Your love song in every sunrise,

in the chirping of sparrows in our backyards,

in the stories of old folks and the fantasies of our children.

Help us to stop and listen to Your love songs,

as that we may know You better and better.

We rejoice in the world You loved into being.

Thank You for another new year and for new chances every day.

We pray for peace, for light and for hope, that we might spread them to others.

Forgive us for falling short this past year.

We leave the irrparaable past in your hands and step out into the unknown new year knowing You will go with us.

We accept Your gift of a new year and we rejoice in what's ahead, depending on You to help us do exactly what You want..

I say it again, we rejoice!

In Jesus name


1 comment:

Russell Family said...

Glad you liked the New Year Prayer! I did too :)