
I have entered the world of blogging! My purpose? To stay connected to friends and family and invite you into my world. A world filled with fun, tears, laughter, excitement, elation, disappointment and all the blessings of being a mother and wife.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Living intentionally

Part of living the life we long for is being intentional and focused. So often we fail to make choices that support our goals or the ideal we would like for our lives.

As we all well know, life is FULL. Too full. It is easy to lose site of what we are really living for with the many distractions in life and overloaded responsibilities.

In order to help us stay centered and hopefully guide us to make intentional choices, we are going to write a Life Mission Statement.

Mission statements are often used for business purposes but are very helpful in any area of life.

A mission statement is defined as "a statement of the purpose of a company, organization or person, its reason for existing."**

In essence a Life Mission Statement will help us identify our purpose.

To develop your life mission statement you will need to ask yourself a few questions:
  • What roles do I have?
  • For whom do I do it?
  • What are my priorities within each role?
  • Which roles are most important?
  • Which roles are a necessity?
  • What do I hope for?
  • What do I want to be remembered for?
As an example here are my answers:

Wife, Mother, Etsy shop owner, Crafter, Counselor, Christian 

Roles in Order of Importance:
Christian, Wife, Mother, Crafter, Counselor, Etsy shop owner

To write a clear Life Mission Statement we must narrow down our roles. Although all of our roles are important, we can not focus on everything. The hope of a mission statement is to help provide focus when life feels scattered.

For example, my Life Mission Statement will include my roles as a Christian, Wife, Mother and Crafter.
Next we need to dream. What do we want to be remembered for? What do we long for?

Here's my dream:
At the end of my time here on Earth, as I enter the gates of Heaven, my soul longs to hear ”Well done, good and faithful servant”, Matthew 25:21. I want Jeremy to think of me as a loving and supportive wife. I want my girls to think of me as nurturing, supportive and safe. Being creative is very important to me, so I want time to create, to establish a home that encourages creativity. I want to have fun with my girls. I want to inspire them to grow into women of God. I want to encourage Jeremy in his walk with Christ.

The last step is to turn our dreams into action statements. By rewording our hopes into actions, a foundation is laid as to what we need to do to live out our dream.

My Life Mission Statement:
To pursue Christ with my whole heart, mind and soul.
To love and support Jeremy so he can be all God has created him to be.
To play with my girls. To be their encourager. To help them learn and grow into women that love Christ.
To create space in my life to allow for creativity and to cultivate an intentional home.
To live a life that inspires others to live as children of God.
As you walk through this process, I encourage you to pray and ask for God's guidance.
I hope this process is inspiring to you!

Once you have your Life Mission Statement written, print it out and read it. Maybe even put it on pretty paper, frame it and put it somewhere you will see it often.

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